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Monday, December 24, 2012

Who could be the new Doris Day? Or do we still have a "Girl next door", after all?

Yesterday I have seen, for the first time after ages, That Touch of Mink (1962), a still enjoyable comedy directed by Delbert Mann.
It's really easy to see how similar Cary Grant and George Clooney look like, don't they? And yet I spent the whole movie by asking myself who the new Doris Day eventually could be. Who could be the perfect girl next door? A blond one, if possible?

[Doris Day and Cary Grant in That Touch of Mink]

In a lot of magazines and websites it's possible to find some new Audrey Hepburn, Marilyn Monroe, Ava Gardner or Jean Harlow, once in a while. Sometimes you can read something about the new Katharine Hepburn... if they are talking about Cate Blanchett, of course.

But who could be the new Doris Day?
Meg Ryan? Jennifer Aniston? Or maybe Renée Zellweger, as Peyton Reed suggested with his movie-tribute Down with Love (2003)?

[Ewan McGregor and Renée Zellweger in Down with Love]

What do you think? Did I forget someone?

Gestern, nach einer ganzen Weile, habe ich mir die lustige Komödie von Delbert Mann "Ein Hauch von Nerz" (1962) noch mal angesehen.
Cary Grant und George Clooney sehen sich sehr ähnlich, oder? Ich habe mich aber den ganzen Film lang gefragt: Wer könnte die neue Doris Day sein? Wer könnte das perfekte und wenn möglich blonde "Mädchen von nebenan" sein?

Die Zeitungen und die Webseiten stellen oft eine neue Audrey Hepburn, Marilyn Monroe, Ava Gardner oder Jean Harlow dar. Sie stellen sogar mal eine neue Katharine Hepburn vor... wenn es um Cate Blanchett geht.

Wer könnte aber die neue Doris Day sein?
Meg Ryan? Jennifer Aniston? Oder vielleicht Renée Zellweger, wie der Regisseur Peyton Reed in seinem Fim "Down with Love - Zum Teufel mit der Liebe!"(2003) angedeutet hat?

Was sagt Ihr? Habe ich jemanden vergessen?

Ieri ho rivisto dopo secoli "Il visone sulla pelle" (1962), deliziosa commedia firmata Delbert Mann, e nonostante sia davvero facile notare la grande somiglianza tra Cary Grant e George Clooney, mi sono chiesta per tutto il film: chi potrebbe essere la nuova Doris Day?

Le riviste e i siti Internet parlano spesso della nuova Audrey Hepburn, della nuova Marilyn Monroe, della nuova Ava Gardner, della nuova Jean Harlow. Persino della nuova Katharine Hepburn... quando si tratta di presentare Cate Blanchett, naturalmente.

Ma chi potrebbe essere la nuova Doris Day? Chi potrebbe essere la perfetta "Ragazza della porta accanto", meglio se bionda?
Meg Ryan? Jennifer Aniston? Magari Renée Zellweger, come ha suggerito Peyton Reed con il suo tributo "Abbasso l'amore" (2003)?

Che ne pensate? Mi sto dimenticando di qualcuno?

Tags: Doris Day, Renée Zellweger, Cary Grant, George Clooney, That Touch of Mink, Ein Hauch von Nerz, Il visone sulla pelle, Girl next door, Down with Love, Abbasso l'amore