If I would ask you who Kim Novak is, you would reply that she is a wonderful, sexy and talented Hollywood actress, very popular in the Fifties and the Sixties and also famous for being a total catch and a sex symbol. She is indeed absolutely glamorous and mysterious in Alfred Hitchcock's Vertigo, and so with your answer, you would be right.
And yet Kim Novak, just 'Kim' for friends, is also my cat. A funny, a little bit crazy and for sure absolutely spoiled black cat that moved to Berlin with me. From now on, she will be featured in a series of posts with quotes for cat lovers.
Es gibt zwei Möglichkeiten, vor dem Elend des Lebens zu flüchten: Musik und Katzen.
(There are two means of refuge from the miseries of life - music and cats)
The first quote is a funny one, by Albert Schweitzer, able to recognize that it is not possible to be in a bad mood when cats are around. I always thought that animals can feel how we feel and can adapt to our mood and cats are very good at it.
Just when you are having a very bad day, they come to you and want to cuddle. You have to smile, there is no other choice.
Es gibt zwei Möglichkeiten, vor dem Elend des Lebens zu flüchten: Musik und Katzen.
(There are two means of refuge from the miseries of life - music and cats)
Albert Schweitzer [1875-1965]
The first quote is a funny one, by Albert Schweitzer, able to recognize that it is not possible to be in a bad mood when cats are around. I always thought that animals can feel how we feel and can adapt to our mood and cats are very good at it.
Just when you are having a very bad day, they come to you and want to cuddle. You have to smile, there is no other choice.

[Kim's name comes from Bell Book and Candle
If you don't know it, you should put it on your list]
Feel free to let me know your favorite quotes for cat lovers in the comments!
Tags: Quotes about cats, Albert Schweitzer, Kim Novak, Cat lovers quotes, Black cats
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Is being afraid the easiest thing to do? My cat and Jedi Master Yoda are not on the same page on this one...