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As a life coach, I help people make decisions that fit who they truly are and who they want to become
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Friday, June 16, 2023

Coaching Friday: Your life lessons

Happy Coaching Friday, stunning lifelong learners!
This week's question is about what learning is all about - creating a "before" and "after", two versions of ourselves before and after we truly learned something that may have a long-lasting impact on our lives. 

If you search for "teach someone a lesson", you will get over 49,000 entries on Google.
It may be a common figure of speech, but "teaching someone a lesson" would most probably not do anybody any good at all.

Weekly question from life coach Azzurra Camoglio: "What's the latest lesson you learned?"
[It may be a lesson about yourself, about others,
about life, about your relationships, about your boundaries...]

Punishing, belittling, or rebuking others is not the way to go if you want someone else to actually learn something, and that's not only true about others, it's also true about us.
Others cannot teach us a lesson because we truly learn only what we are open and willing to learn. There are no lessons to be "taught", but plenty of lessons to be learned and cherished.

"What's the latest lesson you learned?"             
Tags: Coaching question, Self-coaching, Self-awareness, Self-reflection, Life lessons, Self-improvement

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