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Thursday, November 7, 2019

Diversity? It's a state of mind, and this is one of the best definitions for it

How would you describe diversity?

The concept of diversity has become a buzzword in the last couple of years, and these days *everyone* is talking diversity.
Still, the way most people talk about it or explain it is just related to a very small range of cases or situations (more women on the management floor! more female programmers! more black actors at the Oscars! more LGBT advertising testimonials!, and so on).

Diversity is so much more than that, in my humble opinion. Diversity is, above all, a mindset and a state of mind.

[Diversity? It's a state of mind]

Therefore, one of the best definitions of diversity I ever read doesn't even use the word, and yet it nails the concept perfectly.

Forward-focused people and organizations realize that a happy, productive workplace exists only when everyone is aware of their gifts and how to best align their contribution with a larger shared purpose.
Venessa Miemis, Fast Company

When this article was written, diversity had still to become the magic bullet has become today. Even so, the author was able to describe the difference that a diverse workplace (a diverse place, no matter in which context?) is able to make, if we get it right.
How would you define diversity?

Tags: Diversity, Buzzwords, Definitions of diversity, Cultural awareness

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