Our first coaching Friday of the month is dedicated to a very fun, entertaining question that can help us know someone else better and also be quite useful in re-assessing our goals and desires on a regular basis.
The funny thing about bucket lists is... We all have (at least) one bucket list, it doesn't matter whether we are aware of it or not.
We can call it a bucket list, use other names for it, or just say things like "One day, when the time is right, I will [insert a dream/wish/desire/aspirational goal here]" without realizing that we are talking about something that is, for now, just an item on our bucket list.
[It can be a travel destination, an experience, an activity,
a special item, a hobby, something else... You decide]
Our bucket list can be something we like to share with others on a regular basis, or it can be a pretty private matter or even something that we don't consciously focus on daily, but it's still always on our mind, running in the background and shaping our decisions.
And yet, once in a while, we return to it and say "No matter what, I definitely want to [X]".
"What's the biggest item on your bucket list?"
Tags: Coaching question, Self-coaching, Self-awareness, Self-reflection, Life design, Bucket list
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