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As a life coach, I help people make decisions that fit who they truly are and who they want to become
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Friday, May 26, 2023

Coaching Friday: Dealing with bad news

Today's coaching question has a special place in my heart.
Not everything in life is rainbows and unicorns, and something we have to deal with a disheartening piece of information, something frightening in the news that hits too close to home, or maybe a health scare or a layoff.

Even if the habit of "doom-scrolling" may be considered way more common now than in the past, most people still tend to be afraid of bad news in any shape or form. Even more so when it feels "personal".
It doesn't matter whether we are confronted with it on a personal or professional level, or if we are talking about received feedback, discovering something (negative and) unexpected, or catching up at last with long-feared consequences of a situation or decision... 

Weekly question by life coach Azzurra Camoglio: "How do you deal with bad news?"
[What if we would see bad news as a chance
to get stronger and try something new in our lives?]

The way we deal with bad news is often revealing of how resilient we feel in the moment, how much we trust our ability to take care of ourselves and others in an unpleasant or scary scenario, and how confident we are that, eventually, we will be able to cope with something, learn from it, and make the most out of it.

"How do you deal with bad news?" often is a synonym for "Do you believe that you are able to grow under difficult circumstances?".
Is bad news always "forever bad" or is it a matter of perspective?              
Tags: Coaching question, Self-coaching, Self-awareness, Self-reflection, Resilience, Growth mindset, Emotional agility

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