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As a life coach, I help people make decisions that fit who they truly are and who they want to become
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Saturday, June 13, 2020

Charles Addams, revisited #1. - The perfect storm for sheltering in place

Even if around me many people are starting to go "back to normal" already, I still think that, as long as it is not clear how things will evolve, staying at home and sheltering in place is the way to go, as much as possible and as often as possible, for all people that can afford it.

It is safer for them, it is safer for people around them, it is safer for the people they are usually in contact with and yet they are not living with.

On this lazy Saturday afternoon, I am sheltering at home and this is how today's weather is looking like, in Berlin:

[A perfect storm, in the way the famous illustrator
Charles Addams would describe it:
"Just the kind of day that makes you feel good to be alive!"]

Staying at home and sheltering in place on Saturday, with your loved ones and something good to read and plenty of time to write?
Yes, please.

Tags: Charles Addams, Addams family, Sheltering in place, Stay home

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