Yet just another Saturday, you might think.
Yet just another day like many others.
Still, like adventures don't need to be glossy and bigger than life for becoming meaningful, ordinary days can be way more exciting than we would have suspected. Yes, even the "unspectacular" ones.
Not always an adventure needs to be something we never did before. Not always a day needs to be filled with new shiny activities for becoming an interesting one, like months of sheltering in place (for those able to afford it) have shown us.
[Spending the day on my own terms
and enjoy the coziness of staying at home
when outside it is raining cats and dogs...]
Most action movies are about doing something we did already and yet under unusual and dangerous circumstances, so repetition is not per se a killer for adventure, nor it is measuring the time that goes by while dividing it into days and weeks and months because of conventionality.
Before every Saturday, here comes a Friday.
Every after Saturday, here comes a Sunday.
Rinse and repeat.
And yet not two Saturdays are exactly the same, and the same applies for every other day, even if you get around 52 of each of them each year.
What matters is your attitude, the way you look at things, the gratefulness and curiosity you will approach every single day with. Therefore, in the coaching question below, the most important part is "for you".
Coaching question of the day:
"What about today could be special for you?"
PS. This one is for Hardy, which inspired it.
Tags: Coaching question, Self-coaching, Self-awareness, Time perception, Time attitude, Gratefulness
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