There are good days and, sometimes, not-so-good days.
It's important to enjoy and be thankful for the good ones and practice resilience, self-care, and emotional intelligence during the not-so-good ones. Like with everything else, it may take some time and practice to get there.
We can always do our best to make the most of a not-so-good day. There's always room for improvement and a not-so-good day can become a good one, after all.
One of the first rules, at least for me, is knowing what I need to feel better, improve my mood, and keep calm even if not everything is going as planned.
Listening to music is incredibly powerful and yet still undervalued, even if we do it all the time.
When I don't feel well, I know that many songs will flip my mood within seconds of listening to them, and those are the ones I call my "happy tunes for rainy days".
[A good example? For me, for sure
"Steal My Sunshine" by Len]
Having some of them always handy, if needed, is for me a sure way to give my not-so-good days a fair chance to become a good one. How about you?
"What is your happy tune for rainy days?"
Tags: Coaching question, Self-coaching, Self-awareness, Self-reflection, Happy tunes for rainy days, Emotional intelligence
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