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As a life coach, I help people make decisions that fit who they truly are and who they want to become
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A Lot Like Purple is my personal blog.
I'm the only person responsible for its content and the views and opinions expressed here are solely mines.
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If you notice something inaccurate, not valid any longer or inappropriate, I am looking forward to your feedback.
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Sunday, March 13, 2016

The dark forest one should be aware of, or the only way to become an adult that's really worth it

What does a long, unexplained silence mean?
Which misunderstandings could be fatal for any kind of relationship with friends, colleagues and loved ones?
How good do we think to know someone else?

The heart of another is a dark forest, always, no matter how close it has been to one’s own. 
Wilella Sibert Cather
better known as Willa Cather [1873-1947]

I know for sure that in the past I have been more than once presumptuous enough to believe that I knew people very well and that I would have been able to understand the reasons of their behavior or their statements without them having to talk to me or to explain to me why they were doing or saying certain things or why they were...
not doing and saying anything at all, while being somehow missing in action even if officially nothing bad has happened between us.

[How dark and scary is your own forest?]

Over the years I had to learn the hard way many things.
One of the hardest ones has been:

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

The first question one should ask herself in bad days... and probably also in good ones

Some days are great, other days... not so much.
Sometimes one feels ready to rock the world and to accept every possible challenge, while going with the flow and facing chance and unknown outcomes, sometimes it would be awesome to spend the day in bed without having to get up or to go out. Do you know that feeling?

He would conclude that nothing was real except chance.
Paul Auster, City of Glass

I would be surprised if someone would not know that feeling at all. 
And yet, some of us can deal with that feeling better than others and, while having a bad day or being afraid or worried, are able to improve their mood and to take care of their emotional condition in a matter of minutes. 
Those people acknowledge, embrace and own the fact that everything can happen and that one needs to take some risks and to not allow fears and doubts to stop her, after all, and to decide to make an amazing day out of a day that started poorly. 

[A genuine smile, a nice meet up with someone special for you, 
a funny thought, a cool song, or just a silly joke: 
there are a lot of things that can be a bright light on a bad day]

I strongly believe that accepting that risk and rocking the world anyway, even when one is afraid, one doesn't feel enough [fill the blank with your favorite adjective] for it or doesn't feel like it at first, is a choice. A choice that pays off very handsomely.

Sunday, March 6, 2016

The color of nostalgia is... Cultural differences in color psychology, featuring green fairies, pink cakes, and kawaii hair

Months ago I read somewhere that Chilean poet Pablo Neruda was accustomed to write while using green ink instead of the more traditional black one, because to him green represented hope.
Probably it is not any longer possible to know with 100% certainty whether this piece of information is accurate or not, and yet it would be wonderful if it would be true.

Es tan corto el amor, y es tan largo el olvido.
(Love is so short, forgetting is so long)

by Ricardo Eliécer Neftalí Reyes Basoalto
better known as Pablo Neruda [1904-1973]

Colors, both natural and artificial ones, are everywhere around us.
We speak and communicate through colors all the time, not only visually while choosing specific nuances for our clothes, accessories, cars, commodities, and goods, but also metaphorically through idiomatic expressions.

[Retro ink bottles by Iroshizuku in different colors...
just as stylish and elegant as expensive perfume bottles would be
Image source: Writer's Bloc]

Green is, for example, the color of hope, relax, peace, nature, harmony, luck, and youth.
And at the same time...