How do you know that you are dealing with a difficult problem, and how the problem could become a resource for you?
Besides the fact that you probably had your share of troubles so far while trying to solve your difficult problem with very little success, how do you know that you are applying the wrong strategy or that you would need a mindset switch? How about seeing your problem as a big resource available for you right now?
Difficult problems require emotional labor, approaches that feel risky and methods that might not work. They reward patience, nuance and guts, and they will fight off brute force all day long.
Seth Godin, Respect difficult problems
[Patience doesn't always come easy, at least to some of us,
which makes it even more precious, if combined with guts
and the right mindset for your goals]
In the end, it's all about patience, nuances, and guts. What could you use for yourself and your goals today? How can your "problems" help you finding new strategies and tools for your goals and for designing the life you want?
Patience, nuances, and guts are golden. And they can bring us very far, if we let them.
How can you start today?
Tags: Mindset switch, Reframing, Coaching questions, Self-care, Self-awareness, Dealing with problems, Goals setting
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