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As a life coach, I help people make decisions that fit who they truly are and who they want to become
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Monday, April 6, 2020

Coaching, reloaded - Coaching question of the day #26. - A new name

"Need new name Extra", this is how the now notorious Corona beer logo looks like when redesigned by Slovenia-based creative director Jure Tovrljan, willing to offer "just an idea of how logos should look like in these difficult times." 

Under normal circumstances, needing a new name is quite rare and a sort of "ultimate resolution", the kind of option to go for when everything else failed or would not work anyway.  We don't know yet if the Corona label will need a completely different name, after the devastating pandemic outbreak the world has been experiencing lately because of the coronavirus.

[Go ahead, play along...
What could be a good new name?]

Still, we could play with the idea and think about possible scenarios where changing names would be the chance of a new beginning, the step to take for a big change, the way to go for leveling up.

Coaching question of the day: 
"If you would change your name, which kind of name would you go for, and why?" 

Tags: Coaching question, Self-coaching, Self-awareness, Branding, Corona beer, Names

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