Even if "When in doubt, hope for the best, and plan for the worst" is a valuable mantra, a good old leap of faith is usually just as priceless.
Being able to take a leap of faith even if you are not sure of the outcome can be a real game-changer.
Even if many people tend to consider it way too risky and therefore scary, taking a great leap forward while still figuring out all the necessary steps can direct your attention and your energy to the right way of shaping your unique journey through all those necessary steps and create tension at the same time.
Taking a leap of faith is not going for a free fall with closed eyes. Instead, it is like taking a huge dive from a springboard located 3 meters above the surface when so far you always did it from the one located 1 meter above the surface...
Being able to take a leap of faith even if you are not sure of the outcome can be a real game-changer.
Even if many people tend to consider it way too risky and therefore scary, taking a great leap forward while still figuring out all the necessary steps can direct your attention and your energy to the right way of shaping your unique journey through all those necessary steps and create tension at the same time.
[A leap of faith is not about jumping into the void...
it is about diving deeper]
It means doing something new, taking a risk, embracing the discomfort, and yet doing it anyway.
It means being willing to dive deep, with adequate focus, and the indispensable preparation for doing so.
Coaching question of the day:
"In which situations could you use a leap of faith?"
Tags: Coaching question, Self-coaching, Self-awareness, Leap of faith, Embracing discomfort, Growth mindset, Positive attitude
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