We make promises on a regular basis and, hopefully, we also manage to keep them more often than not, even if maybe not always.
We make promises even when we don't realize we are making some: A promise doesn't have to be something monumental and to be accompanied by some drum rolls in order to be seen as such.
Even if it looks good on movies, TV series, and books, we usually don't go around shouting out loud what our next promise will be.
A promise is more about walking the talk, saying that we are going to do something and then actually doing it, following up on what our next steps were supposed to be.
should be taken pretty seriously]
And yet, sometimes, people tend to develop a "flexible" idea about what promises are: "Oh, that was actually not binding" or "Yes, I said that. But it will be at some point, someday"...
Even worse, the most neglected ones are the ones we make to ourselves as if they were somehow less obliging than the ones we make to others.
Making a promise to ourselves and keeping it is not only a sign of self-respect but it can also increase our self-efficacy and trust in ourselves tenfold.
We should not let something that magic go to waste.
Coaching question of the day:
"Which promise to yourself are you going to make today?"
Tags: Coaching question, Self-coaching, Self-awareness, Self-reflection, Making a promise, Self-respect, Mindfulness, Self-efficacy, Promises to oneself
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