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As a life coach, I help people make decisions that fit who they truly are and who they want to become
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Monday, November 30, 2020

Coaching, reloaded - Coaching question of the day #264. - The taste of happiness

Some foods and beverages, some flavors, some unique tastes that mean a lot to us are what happiness is made of.

It can be something related to a special meal from our childhood, a family recipe, our favorite drink that brings with it tons of fun memories, having salty lips after a swim, the meal we had when we went out for an important business event, or that curious dish from a romantic date, that personalized dessert we mastered over time, the lip balm that we need in the winter, or kissing a small child on the cheeks...

[Chocolate ice cream, my cat's fur, rosy cheeks, a granita,
farinata even if it's not keto-friendly, my favorite lip scrub...
How about you?]

The taste of happiness can be everything, and it can also change depending on the different chapters of our lives.

It has less to do with gluttony and indulgence, and a lot to do with mindfulness, self-care, and enjoying the small pleasures of life. It is about being present and living in the moment, being thankful for what we have, understanding the many nuances of what can give us joy.

During difficult and stressful times, knowing how happiness tastes like can be a good antidote against binge-eating, junk food, and comfort food.
Because happiness is for sure somewhere else. So let's go find it.

Coaching question of the day: 
"How does happiness taste like, for you?"                     
Tags: Coaching question, Self-coaching, Self-awareness, Self-reflection, Happiness, Body awareness, Five senses, Mindfulness, Taste, Gratitude

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