If someone is going to call you out when you screw up something or let someone down, how are you going to react?
Are you going to take responsibility and to apologize?
Are you going to make it about them and not about you?
Are you going to try hard to make it better next time?
Are you going to ghost the people calling you out because you think it's the easiest thing to do?
Are you going to analyze the situation and to see what you can change now and/or in the future?
Are you going to put the blame on the circumstances?
Are you going to be honest about your thoughts and emotions?
Are you going to start drama in order to avoid dealing with the whole thing?
Are you going to...?
What are you going to do, exactly?
We all screw up. All the time.
We are all human. We are all not perfect.
We forget. We make mistakes. We fail. We don't know better yet. We are tired.
We would like to be bolder than we are.
We would like to be smarter than we are.
We would like to be cooler than we are.
And yet, that is no big deal.
And also not so important, in the end.
Most of the time, it is not about what you do and how often you screw up.
It is about how you react when things don't go as you wish or as you plan.
And what your actions are going to say about you, without words.
["Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference"
Well said, Winston!
Credit: Quotefancy]
What are you going to do then, will speak volumes about who you really are.
Stop the drama, start the music, as they say.
Tags: Ownership, Screwing up, Taking responsibility, Quotes, Attitude, Mindset
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