How do you define "the past", and when does it start, for you?
Five minutes after the fact? Ten minutes? Three hours? One week? Six months?
Does it matter?
And how long does it "last", with its consequences and its legacy? Or, to put it better, with the ones you are afraid of, even if you are not sure that they are going to happen?
For some people, the past seems to be more real than the present they are living in and if something happened in the past, it means that the present and the future are written already. And, more often than not, hopeless, cursed, broken.
[When the past does become "the past" for you,
and how do you look at it?]
To me, the past is just... past. Bygone. Departed. Elapsed. Gone.
I can't change it, and yet I can learn from it. And I can decide how I want to look at it and to remember it. Which kind of meaning I'm going to give it. So that the past can serve me, instead of hurting or hunting me.
Which story are you telling yourself about your own past? Does it help?
And when did your "past" start, exactly?
This one is for August & Lisbeth, even if they are just fictional characters.
Tags: Dealing with the past, Interpretation of the past, Self-awareness, Coaching questions
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