How do you look at the past, usually?
As you would look at something scary, dark, problematic and full of mistakes or regrets?
Do you tend to remember only the bad moments, the sad experiences, all the times people let you down?
For some people, the past seems to be a sort as cursed Pandora's box that should always stay closed, never been touched again, if possible forgotten or hidden somewhere.
Still, it doesn't have to be that way.
[Everything in life is either a blessing or a lesson,
they say. What can you learn from your past?]
The past is the past, sure thing. But how about looking at it as a priceless treasure, as a remarkable collection of life lessons and experiences that, even if not always pleasant and agreeable, made you the person you are today and thought you a lot?
Which life lesson from your past can help you now to grow and to enjoy the present more?
This one is for Simon.
Which life lesson from your past can help you now to grow and to enjoy the present more?
This one is for Simon.
Tags: Learning from the past, Life lessons, Growth mindset, Self-awareness, Coaching questions
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