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As a life coach, I help people make decisions that fit who they truly are and who they want to become
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Friday, April 12, 2019

One coaching question a day - #27. What you don't need?

If I would ask you which are the magic "ingredients" necessary for happiness, what would you say? 

That's an apparently easy question for some people, the ones that would start talk right away about a shinier job to apply for, a bigger car to get a loan for, the trip to three continents to be planned in the coming years, the beach body they would like to train for at some point, the hot partner they don't have yet, the flat in the cool location they saw in some influencer's feed... and so on. 

[Is that thing you are thinking about something you need, 
or just something that could be nice to have?]

That's actually a very difficult question for some other people. Which ones, you may ask?
The ones that seem to have achieved "everything" and to possess what other people can only dream about, and yet are not that happy, in the end.

What is happiness actually made for, for you?
What do you think you actually need, in order to be happy?
And what you actually don't need at all, in order to be happy?

This one is for Fabian.

Tags: Coaching questions, Wants and needs, Mindset, Reframing, Self-awareness, Self-empowerment

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