As a life coach passionate about self-empowerment, storytelling, and diversity, "perception is reality" is one of my favorite life mottoes.
(yes, you can have more than one life motto, and that's the beauty of it: a life motto can really make or break your day, in the long run)
[Does your life motto make your life better?
If not, go pick a new one. Now]
"Perception is reality" helps me to stay focused day by day, be aware of my story and what my story means to me and to others, and to keep calm under pressure.
It reminds me, both on good and bad days, that it's all about perspective. My perspective, to be more precise.
Coaching question of the day:
"What's the life motto you like to live by?"
Tags: Coaching question, Self-coaching, Self-awareness, Self-knowledge, Perception, Life motto
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