How can you start with something new?
You are interested in mindfulness, and yet you have no clue what that should mean or what could have to do with you.
There is no right answer to that.
Being mindful can mean different things for each of us and it can be related to different experiences. One common denominator for all options is the ability to savor, to cherish, and enjoy what is happening at the moment with a high degree of purpose and self-awareness.
Being in the moment and yet being able to value the moment as it would be possible to experience it from the outside requires some practice. And yet, over time, it can become second nature to you.
Starting small, and without big expectations can go a long way.
[A smell, a taste, a kiss, a song, a color,
a smile, a texture, a sentence...
Everything can be savored]
Coaching question of the day:
"Which tiny and yet meaningful moments of your day can you savor?"
Tags: Coaching question, Self-coaching, Self-awareness, Mindfulness, Savoring, Finding meaning
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