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As a life coach, I help people make decisions that fit who they truly are and who they want to become
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Saturday, July 4, 2020

10 German words you probably don't know that can motivate and energize you

As a language, German has a reputation as a difficult, bureaucratic, emotionless, and somehow a little bit boring body of words. That could not be more misleading!
Even if sometimes German words are indeed... quite long and complex, and definitely pretty difficult to be pronounced properly at first, they are also precise, accurate, and very finely nuanced.

Here you have a couple of good examples, thanks to 10 German words that you probably never heard of before and that reflect motivating and useful concepts and attitudes:

#1. Begeisterungsfähigkeit, die f.
enthusiasm, ability to be enthusiastic
#2. Besonderheit, die f.
distinctiveness, peculiarity
#3. Entrümpelung, die f.
clearing out, decluttering
#4. Kultur-Audit, das n.
culture audit, audit of a specific culture
#5. Schaffensrausch, der m.
flow, burst of creativity

#6. Selbstverwirklichung, die f.
self-realization, personal fulfillment
#7. Selbstwirksamkeit, die f.
#8. Überkreuzverbindung, die f.
crossover connection, crossover intersection
#9. Verschiedenartigkeit, die f.
diversity, heterogeneity
#10. Verspieltheit, die f.

Tags: German language, German words, Diversity, Self-development words, Self-efficacy

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