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As a life coach, I help people make decisions that fit who they truly are and who they want to become
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Friday, April 1, 2022

Spending time Vs. Investing time... Can it be that simple?

"Time is money" is something most people will say at some point, either once in a while for adding some sense of urgency to a situation, or on a regular basis because it is a fundamental part of their belief system.
And yet, time is not money. Time is finite, money is not.

Time is limited, and we can never be sure how long we are going to live, even when we floss, eat healthily, and do all the right things.
Money is (virtually) endless. If we lose money, we can make more money. But when we lose time, it is gone for good.

[Time is definitely not money, but we can 
play with the idea anyway and use it to our advantage]

Still, since "Time is money" is something that resonates with plenty of people, let's play with it with a simple question.
Assuming time would work like money works, what would change for you while switching from "spending time" to "investing time"?

What do we do when we "spend" money (or time)?
What do we do when we "invest" money (or time)?
How are they different, for you?

You can think about your life, your days, your goals, your career, your hobbies, your relationships... Not about how you would like them to be, someday, in a perfect world, but about how they are right now. 

Even when we say that we don't know where our time is going, we usually know pretty well where our time is going on a daily basis, we just don't like to look at it this way because it can be very frustrating...

Are you spending your time or investing it?               
Tags: Coaching question, Self-coaching, Self-awareness, Self-reflection, Time management

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