"What do you want to hear first, the bad news or the good news?", he says.
"The bad one", I reply without hesitation.
"There's no bad one, everything is fine", he says, and we both laugh.
That's for sure an interesting conversation starter, I think.
And then I realize that this question can reveal a lot about us, depending on how we answer.
Do we feel strong and resilient enough for getting the bad news first?
Do we believe that knowing what is going on is half the battle, or do we try to avoid, postpone, deny what could be unpleasant?
always pick the bad news first]
Do we take a fast decision, or do we need some time?
Do we let the interlocutor decide for us?So many options, so many possibilities.
That's way more than a fun conversation starter, after all.
Coaching question of the day:
"What do you want to hear first, bad news or good news?"
Tags: Coaching question, Self-coaching, Self-awareness, Self-reflection, Conversation starters, Resilience, Bad news or good news
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