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As a life coach, I help people make decisions that fit who they truly are and who they want to become
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Saturday, September 26, 2020

Coaching, reloaded - Coaching question of the day #199. - Your time, right now, for...

"It's not the right moment", we may say while describing our past or present circumstances.
(some people can even say that about their future circumstances, but I digress)
"It's not the right moment", as if everything would be just a matter of good or bad timing.

Are we shaped by the circumstances, or are we shaped by how we think about those and how we react to those as well?
Circumstances are just one of the elements of the mix. Our intention and our decisions also matter, our belief system matters for sure, and our personal narrative matters all along.

[Once you will recognize that the time is now
and you are ready, what will you do?]

Sometimes, it's not the right moment and it is a good thing to acknowledge that, as long as we realize that it could be indeed not the right moment, and yet not for the reasons we imagined at first. 
The moment may be right, but not the right one for us or not the right one for our project, our gig, our new goal.

Still, right now could it be the right moment for something else, not because of the circumstances, but because of us and where we stand in our life, what we have learned, and how we have experimented with other options in the past.
Embracing this notion helps to jump into the cold water, with closed eyes if necessary, while knowing that our swimming technique will become better at every stroke, one day at the time.

Coaching question of the day:
"The time is now. For what exactly?"         

PS. This one is dedicated to Tania and Xiuming.                                             

Tags: Coaching question, Self-coaching, Self-awareness, Self-reflection, Growth mindset, The time is now, Dealing with the circumstances

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