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As a life coach, I help people make decisions that fit who they truly are and who they want to become
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Monday, November 23, 2020

Coaching, reloaded - Coaching question of the day #257. - The story behind your next read

One book, one story, we think... Unless we are talking about an anthology or about some kind of collection where many stories are included: essays, articles, short stories, various tales, and everything in-between.
So, interestingly enough, we tend to overlook that, almost every time we pick a book to read, there is also another story involved: the story behind our choice.

The story behind our next read is just as fascinating as the story featured in the book we went for.
Why this book? Why right now? Where does the book come from? A must-read or a guilty pleasure? Are we reading it for the very first time or we know it already? Did we try it before and give up? What's our goal with the book?

[This kind of story can be empowering, fun,
sweet, nostalgic... or all these things at once]

If I should ask you about the book (or the books) that you are going to read next, what would you tell me? Which kind of story could that be?

Whether it's a book someone gave to us, one we chose ourselves, the one we have been waiting for and pre-ordered months in advance, or even a book we found in a give-away box on the street during a walk, there is a story behind the book being our next read.

Knowing that story means knowing something more about ourselves, what we want, what we are looking for. And that's a very compelling kind of story as well.

Coaching question of the day: 
"What's the story behind your next read?"                          
Tags: Coaching question, Self-coaching, Self-awareness, Self-reflection, Books, Storytelling, Choosing a book, Purposeful reading

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