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Me, Myself & I

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As a life coach, I help people make decisions that fit who they truly are and who they want to become
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A Lot Like Purple is my personal blog.
I'm the only person responsible for its content and the views and opinions expressed here are solely mines.
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Sunday, November 22, 2020

Coaching, reloaded - Coaching question of the day #256. - Something splurge-worthy for you

If you have been reading some of the coaching questions of the day during the last eight months (!), I am sure you noticed a recurring pattern about avoiding generalizations and, even more, about realizing that what makes sense for some people and maybe even for most people doesn't have to make sense for you at all costs.

So it will be not so surprising for you when I say that a splurge, like many other things, lies in the eye of the beholder: What's a perfectly reasonable splurge for you could feel not suitable under any circumstances for someone else or, on the contrary, not even worth mentioning for others.

[Something splurge-worthy for me?
Tattoos, healthy food, coffee table books,
good shoes, a massage. How about you?]

What's splurge-worthy for you could be cringeworthy for others, and the other way around may also be true. And that's okay. 
What matters is how it feels to splurge on something that matters to you once in a while, to have the impression that you are pampering yourself, to do something nice and special that can represent a thoughtful gift and a caring gesture.

Coaching question of the day: 
"When was the last time you splurged on something?"                              
Tags: Coaching question, Self-coaching, Self-awareness, Self-reflection, Diversity, Splurge, Splurge-worthy, Self-care

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