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As a life coach, I help people make decisions that fit who they truly are and who they want to become
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Thursday, November 5, 2020

Coaching, reloaded - Coaching question of the day #239. - Not the usual fancy HR question

Today's question could have a bittersweet vibe to many, due to the habit of asking a similar one in many fancy and not so fancy job interviews.
That notorious one goes like "Where do you want to be in five years?" and, in most cases, people consider it scary, useless, phony, or even philosophically ridiculous. How should they know!?

And yet, today's question doesn't deserve a bad reputation, because it is actually... same same but different from the job interview one.

[Focus on the "being" part of the question
and you will get the most out of it, promised]

The one that most recruiters and HR people ask is all about today: what someone, right now, is wishing to get, to be, to have, to accomplish someday, in the future. Nothing more than an educated guess.
It's about filling the gap between the present and the future, between the skills, desires, and goals of today in comparison to the skills, desires, and goals of many years from now.

Today's coaching question is about where we will be, not where we would like to be, maybe, if we compare our present and our future self.
It's about closing our eyes and smiling while thinking about the person we know we are going to be: the one and only, no gaps, no comparison, no pressure. It's a question about being, not one about becoming.

The answer may well be "Exactly where I am right now, because I am happy where I am".
And knowing it would make all the difference.

Coaching question of the day: 
"Where are you going to be, five years from now?"                         
Tags: Coaching question, Self-coaching, Self-awareness, Self-reflection, HR questions, Self-efficacy, Present self, Future self

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