Words matter and, quite often, we tend to misuse some of them.
One good example? We define many things in our lives as "vital" or "of vital importance" even if they actually aren't.
They may look like absolutely vital short-term, but even just mid-term they are going to be... not relevant any longer and therefore not truly vital.
Understanding our priorities, our actual life priorities, and what's truly vital for us, not just today but also in the long run, can make all the difference in the way we live and in every decision we make, no matter the subject.
is what can influence every decision we make]
"Vital" should be a word we use when we are indeed talking about something worthy of being defined that way.
Coaching question of the day:
"What is truly vital to you?"
Tags: Coaching question, Self-coaching, Self-awareness, Self-reflection, Setting priorities, Time management, Life design, Main priorities
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