We are busy, we are very busy, we are SO busy.
As if it were a badge of honor, and as if it would automatically mean that what we are doing matters, that we matter.
And yet we matter even when we slow down and we are less busy. Probably, even more then, because busyness is often a synonym for stress, being in a rush, for mental and physical clutter.
Busyness is a choice, and so is slowing down.
If there is one thing that the last months showed us, is that it doesn't have to be this way.
Busyness is a choice, and so is slowing down.
[Bye bye busyness...
It's time to slow down]
The difference is, we can now decide to slow down on purpose, to make a deliberate decision out of what happened to us.
Coaching question of the day:
"How can you slow down, at your own pace?"
Tags: Coaching question, Self-coaching, Self-awareness, Slowing down, Mindfulness, Purposeful decisions
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