More often than not, we think of bad days as of something hard, static, and pointy.
Like a rock, somehow: there to stay until the end of time, no chances to move, no chances to change anything.
And yet, a bad day is, in most cases, a matter of attitude.
If you think that you are having a bad day, then you are having one.
It may be that something unpleasant happened to you today. But usually, we are talking of a specific moment during a day, maybe even two or three. Is it really that terrible every single moment of the day?
If you said yes... Are you sure? One entire day consists of thousands of moments. Over 86,000, to be more precise.
After each moment, it is up to you if you want to have a bad day or just a bad moment.
[Taking a shower, reading, drinking a cup of tea,
working out, cuddling with your pet, talking to friends...
What's your recipe?]
It is up to you to rewire, recharge, rethink.
And to start again, on your own terms.
Coaching question of the day:
"How can you rewire and recharge after a bad day?"
Tags: Coaching question, Self-coaching, Self-awareness, Mindfulness, Rethinking bad days
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