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As a life coach, I help people make decisions that fit who they truly are and who they want to become
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Thursday, June 4, 2020

Coaching, reloaded - Coaching question of the day #85. - Changing course

More often than not, people think that if you are changing your mind or if you are now embracing a different opinion than the one you had in the past, this could be a sign of you being unreliable, moody, or even unstable.

That's a pity, because you being able to change, adapt, and adopt a new strategy could just be a sign of you being adaptable, curious, and even willing to grow.
A job, a task, a project, a gig, a product, a relationship... could require a change of course, in order to level up and to improve the quality of the output in the long run.

[Changing course could feel risky 
and like a waste of time...
It could be a very good idea, though]

Even if "doing things like it is expected" could feel safe and like a good use of your time, it could actually be a way of wasting it.
Instead of being attached to a specific way of doing things, it could be more rewarding to be attached to the high quality of what you want to do, no matter if it has never been done this way before or if people expect you to do things differently.

Changing course has nothing to do with moodiness and a lot to do with being productive, and pragmatic. And it could save you tons of time as well.

Coaching question of the day: 
"What change of course could be worth your time?"

Tags: Coaching question, Self-coaching, Self-awareness, Quality of the output, Change of course, Reframing

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