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As a life coach, I help people make decisions that fit who they truly are and who they want to become
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Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Coaching, reloaded - Coaching question of the day #90. - Starting from scratch, again

Specific choices, a unique mix of good and bad experiences, (a lot of) coincidences and serendipitous moments, memories, a network of different (or not so different...) kinds of individuals and how we interact with them, useful and not so useful habits, an upbringing usually dictated by random elements, a background and some kind of attitude about it, a personality, thoughts, emotions, actions, a mindset and values that we usually don't know as good as we think we do, a role in society, often further education as an adult, the ability (or the lack of it) to say NO if necessary.

[Less dramatic than amnesia or a big loss,
more interesting than doing what we do just because...
this is what we did so far]

That's usually what makes us "us". 
That's what we know, remember, and we identify with.
That's what we think about us, and that's what influences what we do when we wake up in the morning, depending on what we believe about ourselves, and others. All already set, then?

Even if this all sounds pretty "static" and "already decided", it is actually not as set in stone as we usually think: "Someone like me can only do something like this". That's what most of us tell themselves most of the time.

And yet, what has been so far doesn't have to be the future as well.

Coaching question of the day: 
"If you could start again from scratch tomorrow, what would you do?"

Tags: Coaching question, Self-coaching, Self-awareness, New beginnings, Growth mindset, Identity

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