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As a life coach, I help people make decisions that fit who they truly are and who they want to become
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Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Coaching, reloaded - Coaching question of the day #119. - Your personal reality check

More often than not, it may happen to people to run what I call an unconscious reality check.
Something happens, to them, to others, or overall around them, and their brain starts interpreting what is going on based on the question "Is this good or bad?".

No further questions asked, no nuances, no self-reflection.

Instead of observing the whole story "from afar", like someone else would do, in order to consider the situation with some level of depth and detachment, the brain thinks to know already what is needed for reacting accordingly.

[You can customize your personal reality check 
as you go, depending on your needs and wants]

Spoiler alert:
It is usually not the case, and that kind of unconscious reality check leads people to behave in autopilot, without realizing it. A risky business.

Something I know first hand is that running on a regular basis a conscious, mindful reality check about thoughts, feelings, and ideas can have over time a profound impact on someone's life.
The trick is creating a healthy distance from a situation and running a check on our thoughts thanks to questions like, among others:

Is it true?
Is it useful?
Is it kind?
Is it worth my time?
Is it generous?
Is it important long-term?
Is this what I want?

If the answer is no, the thoughts are generally not worth pursuing.

Coaching question of the day:
"What is included in your personal reality check?"

PS. This one is dedicated to Bryn and Annette.

Tags: Coaching question, Self-coaching, Self-awareness, Self-reflection, Reality check, Mindfulness

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