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As a life coach, I help people make decisions that fit who they truly are and who they want to become
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A Lot Like Purple is my personal blog.
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Sunday, August 2, 2020

Coaching, reloaded - Coaching question of the day #144. - Learning as a way of life

Learning something new every day is a way of life, the embodiment of the Japanese concept of "kaizen", which actually means "change for better", and it is usually identified with the attitude behind actively pursuing continuous improvement.

Besides the fact that learning every day is a very empowering choice that can be taken, again and again, every single day as a fulfillment of a promise to yourself, the most beautiful part of this is, in my humble opinion, that everything you learn will be useful, sooner or later, often in very unexpected ways.

[Even if many people see learning as a boring chore, 
it is actually very exciting and empowering]

Learning is never a waste of time.
Even more, if you are a big plan, no matter what kind of big plan, waiting for you to take action.

Coaching question of the day:
"What do you need to learn for your big plan?"       

Tags: Coaching question, Self-coaching, Self-awareness, Self-reflection, Kaizen, Goals setting

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