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As a life coach, I help people make decisions that fit who they truly are and who they want to become
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Saturday, October 31, 2020

Coaching, reloaded - Coaching question of the day #234. - The trick needed for your own reboot

Rebooting is a concept we all know, thanks to our computer and its need, under special circumstances, to execute its own boot process once more and to reset itself while reloading the operating system.
A reboot is way more thorough than a simple restart, and it usually takes some time and the activation of many processes at once.

Sometimes, we could use a reboot in our life as well, it doesn't matter if in one specific arena (in our career, in our lifestyle, in our connections) or everywhere.
This is what all those fancy "before and after" scenarios and all our dreams of a better future are about, in the end.

[You could also think about this question as 
"What is the very first step you would need for a reboot?"]

What if a reboot could take place right now, and not in a remote future?

We may think that, in order to reboot, we need to have everything figured out and prepared already, and yet often it is enough to decide how we want to start, and to do so.

The trick is to start while knowing only the first two to three steps ahead of us while being convinced that, after a good start, the rest will follow and the further steps to take will become clear as we go, with us being able (and willing...) to take care of them in the necessary order.

In a reboot, starting is truly the half battle.

Coaching question of the day: 
"How could your ideal reboot look like?"                         
Tags: Coaching question, Self-coaching, Self-awareness, Self-reflection, Rebooting, Life changes, Self-efficacy, Goals setting, Time management

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