Talking about something important for us and then going "I may or may not do that, someday" is one option.
Another option is actually walking the talk.
Walking the talk is often hard - otherwise, everyone else would be doing it already, and that's usually not the case. This is one of the reasons why being able to commit to something and to work on it consistently tends to attract a lot of attention from the people around us, including plenty of unrequested and not always constructive feedback.
what you are going to do from now on]
And yet, no matter what others are or are not doing or saying, what counts is what we are doing, every single day.
To me, walking the talk is not only about taking responsibility and showing up, but also about taking seriously what matters to me, and therefore taking myself seriously as well.
Doing so has a price, of course. But I like to think that, in life, when you are ready to walk the talk and pay the price, you get what you've paid for.
Coaching question of the day:
"How can you walk the talk from now on?"
Tags: Coaching question, Self-coaching, Self-awareness, Self-reflection, Walking the talk, Consistency, Taking responsibility
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