Even if being spontaneous and living in the moment are great things, at the end of the day, our life is just going to be as good as the routine we created for it over time.
It doesn't matter whether daily, weekly, monthly, or even once a year: We truly are what we repeatedly do.
And this applies to our health, our career, our relationships, our growth, our goals, and last but not least, to our self-care as well.
Reflecting on what we actually do for our self-care on a regular basis can be illuminating, revealing, pleasing, or even embarrassing.
dancing, reading a book, having a good conversation,
spending time in nature, a hot bath, cooking a healthy meal...
pick your faves and go for it]
Still, if the answer should not be the one you would like to go for, it's never too late for establishing a new, more suitable self-care routine for yourself. Small steps add up over time.
Coaching question of the day:
"How does your self-care routine look like?"
Tags: Coaching question, Self-coaching, Self-awareness, Self-reflection, Self-care, Self-care routine, Habits
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