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As a life coach, I help people make decisions that fit who they truly are and who they want to become
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Monday, November 9, 2020

Coaching, reloaded - Coaching question of the day #243. - A small test run, right now

ABT, Always Be Testing.
For some people it's a way of life, for others it's what nightmares are made of.

Like it's often the case, it's all about the way we look at something and the perceived reality we associate with the concept of testing.

[No high stakes, and yet a lot to learn and discover:
Let's test more and worry less!]

Does running a test have to be bigger than life? 
Is running a test just yet another occasion to fail, to blame ourselves, to lose?
Or could it be something fun instead, something to be curious and possibly excited about? Something to do on a regular or even daily basis, like with the Kaizen principle?

Depending on our mindset, a test run can be a threat or a chance.
It can feed our fears or provide us with precious feedback, no matter in which direction. It can feel like a huge loss if it doesn't go as we hoped for, or like a safe way to check things out without investing too much. It can create a lot of pressure about the results, or it can be seen as nothing more than an experiment, no biggie.

If we embrace it, ABT could become a synonym for having a growth mindset about life, about work, about ourselves. 
If we don't test, we will never know. 

Coaching question of the day: 
"On what could you run a small test right now?"                     
Tags: Coaching question, Self-coaching, Self-awareness, Self-reflection, ABT, Kaizen, Growth mindset, Running a test

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