Hope dies last, they say. And also that while there's life, there's hope.
They have been saying it in different European languages for many centuries, at least since Hesiod described Hope as the only thing left behind when the mythological Pandora opened the mysterious Pandora's box (actually a jar, but I digress).
Hope is a true game-changer, both in our daily life and during challenging and extreme situations.
Furthermore, countless studies show that it's definitely something we need in order to stay healthy, motivated, and productive over time.
but also something tiny... No boundaries, no judgment]
Without hope, it's quite difficult, if not impossible, to be resilient, to feel productive, to get curious. What for if there's no hope, after all?
And yet, with the right mindset, there's always hope as long as we want to believe that hoping for something is possible and that we can actually do something in order to make some progress and move forward towards what we hope for.
Therefore, thinking about our hopes, and even saying out loud what we're looking forward to, can be incredibly energizing, and sometimes also healing.
There's no better trick for gaining momentum and staying focused, so be sure to ask away.
Coaching question of the day:
"What's your biggest hope right now?"
Tags: Coaching question, Self-coaching, Self-awareness, Self-reflection, Hope, Resilience, Positive thinking, Self-efficacy, Pandora's box, Proverbs
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