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As a life coach, I help people make decisions that fit who they truly are and who they want to become
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Sunday, December 13, 2020

Coaching, reloaded - Coaching question of the day #277. - Your favorite quote, and what it says about you

Sometimes quotes are just a commodity, a gimmick, a shortcut for getting attention or creating some drama, a (cheap) way of causing a stir, it doesn't matter whether on social media, on an article, or at the dinner table.

Other times, when they are used for sharing knowledge, explaining complex ideas, or describing a belief system in an accessible way, quotes can be life-changing, and even mind-blowing.

[Many of my favorite quotes are from movies
and classic titles from European literature.
How about you?]

A quote is like a secret door to another world, another place, another perspective, and we usually have a couple of favorite ones that we use again and again when the circumstances are right... and once in a while, even when they are actually not a good fit.

It doesn't matter whether they are from movies, songs, books, TV shows, theater plays, writers, politicians, celebrities of any kind, or just from one of our second cousins because they are very cool people... 
Those quotes embody the stories we tell ourselves, how we experience life, and its meaning.

The quotes we keep using shape our days and our reality and today's question is an invitation to reflect on the ones we like, we use, we share with others, and on the messages they convey.

Coaching question of the day: 
"What's the quote you keep using, and why?"                           
Tags: Coaching question, Self-coaching, Self-awareness, Self-reflection, Useful quotes, Perception, Storytelling, Belief systems, Reframing

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