Giving someone honest feedback may feel scary, and rightly so.
Many people like to think that they can handle feedback very well, and yet more often than not they get angry, closed-off, or they may even become resentful.
Even if giving feedback is not always easy and not everyone is going to be thankful for receiving it, giving honest feedback is a huge gift and a sign of trust and real care.
to be honest with someone, and with yourself]
When delivered in a respectful, nonviolent, and considerate way, honest feedback is always worth it: If not for the recipient, at least for the person giving it while showing integrity and coherence.
Coaching question of the day:
"When was the last time you gave someone honest feedback?"
Tags: Coaching question, Self-coaching, Self-awareness, Self-reflection, Radical honesty, Honest communication, Respectful communication, Dealing with feedback
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