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As a life coach, I help people make decisions that fit who they truly are and who they want to become
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Thursday, December 31, 2020

Coaching, reloaded - Coaching question of the day #295. - Your most treasured memory of this year

During a year that has been quite challenging for everyone, complaining, moaning, and being shocked and resentful about how hard things are seemed to be the norm for many.
And yet, if there is one thing that this year taught all of us, once more, is not that dining out, having a monthly haircut, or going to huge birthday parties is what life is made of while around us people are dying. 

What we had to realize once more, and more often than not in a very painful way, is how much we all (some of us more than others, some of us just a little, but each of us in some capacity) were used to take the positive aspects of our lives for granted.

[We are what we remember and how we remember it.
Choose wisely your memories of this year]

Even during such a traumatic year like this, there's still plenty to be thankful for: Being alive, being healthy, having loved ones we care about even if we cannot see them right now, and many other things as well.
Even during such a devastating year like this, I am sure that we have all some happy, beautiful memories to feel gratitude for.

Looking back in anger at the year that's about to end will not change anything about how the year went or what happened. It will just make us feel miserable or even angrier than before.

Today's question is an invitation to close the year with gratitude and hope instead.
They're usually way more useful emotions than anger, when we are trying to do better, live better, be better, and stay motivated in the process.

I hope you will accept my invitation. 
It's not about being satisfied with how the year went. It's about welcoming the new year from a place of strength, resilience, and thankfulness.

See you there, see you next year.

Coaching question of the day: 
"What's your most treasured memory of this year?"                        
Tags: Coaching question, Self-coaching, Self-awareness, Self-reflection, Mindfulness, Thankfulness, Gratitude, Resilience, End of the year, Purposeful living

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