Today's question may look like an easy one to answer, and yet it depends.
"Where" can mean many different things in this context: In which kind of situations, in which places, in which kind of environment, in which kind of company, in which kind of group of people...
On top of it, the concept of feeling "at ease" is not as unambiguous as we tend to think. It is actually pretty ambiguous on any given day.
which makes it even more interesting and revealing...]
What does it actually mean? Feeling happy? Relaxed? Satisfied with the circumstances? Experiencing a sense of possibility and belonging?
Or just not feeling anxious or nervous? How about having the impression to fit in and not to be noticed, being in our comfort zone? Or is it just what we say when something is neither good nor bad and we assume that we don't need to take sides and that what is in front of us is "good enough" because it could also be way worse than that?
It may look like a very trivial question, and yet it reveals so much about us, our needs and expectations, and what we consider important for us to be at ease.
Coaching question of the day:
"Where do you usually feel at ease?"
Tags: Coaching question, Self-coaching, Self-awareness, Self-reflection, Emotional intelligence, Self-discovery, Feeling at ease
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