We all have some soft spots. Some of us more than others, some of us almost none, and others do their best to just look like they would not have any, even if it's not true.
Still, there are topics, issues, subjects, and situations that have (for now) the power to unsettle us, to leave us restless, or agitated.
And that's a good thing, even if it may be unpleasant short-term.
and yet even more valuable because of it]
Long-term, those clues are the ones we can look for when we want to understand ourselves better, to discover what really matters to us, to run a reality check about our values, dreams, and beliefs.
From now on, every time that a conversation, an article, an interaction of any kind will give you a feeling of unease, don't just look away like most people do.
Ask yourself why instead, and be thankful for the insight you could gain from the question.
Coaching question of the day:
"Which topics can unsettle you?"
Tags: Coaching question, Self-coaching, Self-awareness, Self-reflection, Emotional intelligence, Self-discovery
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