Today's question is a classic million-dollar question: What's endurance all about?
Being resilient? Being strong no matter what? Being able to be flexible and bounce back if necessary?
What if the answer would be "Yes, all of them, and then some more"?
There is no one-size-fits-all answer, because endurance may look different to different people depending on their background, circumstances, and mindset.
just like with every other goal where self-discipline is a must]
To some, endurance may be about never giving up. To others, the key is to keep going even while facing pain and difficulties. To someone else, it may be going all-in while accepting plenty of discomfort in the short run because what really matters is the outcome in the long run.
Some people may need endurance in their private life, while others would say that this is what their career is all about. It can be related to health problems, life-threatening circumstances, and extreme situations like a pandemic.
There's just not one answer, but everyone can find their own answer.
As different as it may sound for each of us, it's for sure something to keep in mind and to use as a powerful reminder when we can need it the most.
Coaching question of the day:
"What's endurance all about, for you?"
Tags: Coaching question, Self-coaching, Self-awareness, Self-reflection, Growth mindset, Patience, Resilience, Kaizen, Endurance
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