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As a life coach, I help people make decisions that fit who they truly are and who they want to become
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Friday, January 18, 2019

Life choices Vs. Dorian Gray, or what does your face say about you, your life, your thoughts?

"You look way younger than you are", they say.
And then, usually, they tell me that I look something between five and fifteen years younger than my age, depending on how tired or fit I am on that particular day and on how good or bad they are at guessing other people's age.

They have always said that, my whole life. Even when I was so young that the sentence was almost ridiculous.
And it is interesting to notice how something that drove me crazy at any occasion back in the days, when I was a teenager and a twentysomething so eager to be taken seriously, makes me so happy today, every single time.

[How good are you at guessing other people's age?
How well does your face tell your story?
Pic: Me, December 2018 © Radoslaw Kosiada]

Why is it so different now?
Back then, I felt that it was something just happening to me, that I could not control and no matter how badly I wanted to look like my age, in the worst case scenario I was perceived as someone way younger trying too hard to look like she would be older.

Today, I feel that it is something happening because of me, that I can control (at least partially) and that is related to my lifestyle, my health and my dietary regimen, my choices, my attitude, my self-discipline, and many other soft skills I am so proud of.

Like in a reverse version of The Picture of Dorian Gray, my face is now, to me, a very faithful reflection of the woman I am today, of the person I worked so hard to become, of the individual I am choosing to be, day in and day out, while taking responsibility for it. 

Every day, my face says something very clear about me, the life path I chose for myself, the thoughts I actively pick for myself and how I spend my time. As Coco Chanel was used to saying:

Nature gives you the face you have at twenty; it is up to you to merit the face you have at fifty.

[What are you communicating without words,
just thanks to your face, your complexion, your facial expressions?]

What's the age on your passport?
What's the age of your face?
What's the age of your body?
What's the age of your mind?

Tags: Face and body as a reflection of oneself, Appearance, Looking younger, Self-discipline, Quotes, Self-awareness, Self-care

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