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As a life coach, I help people make decisions that fit who they truly are and who they want to become
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A Lot Like Purple is my personal blog.
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Friday, July 17, 2020

Coaching, reloaded - Coaching question of the day #128. - Reinventing yourself, the choice on the menu

When talking about self-improvement and reinventing yourself, more often than not there is a huge misunderstanding that needs to be addressed. Like the notorious elephant in the room.

Self-improvement is not about trying to become someone else and to "fix" yourself; self-improvement is actually all about becoming yourself even more than you have ever been so far, and giving yourself space and permission to express yourself and who you truly are.

[Reinventing yourself is not about fixing yourself,
it is about becoming yourself even more]

Self-improvement is about the change that comes from within, not the peer pressure that comes from the outside: It is like looking at the menu and ordering what you want to eat and not what other people expect you to order so that their opinion of you can stay the same.

Why so?
Maybe you find a recipe interesting, or you heard about it and are curious to try it out, or you discovered that it could be a good option for your health or your lifestyle.
Even if you are the only one ordering that, even if the people around you keep saying that you "always" order something else instead, or that you are disappointing someone while doing so.
That's your plate, after all. And that's your life.

Reinventing yourself is about you and up to you, but not because you need a fix.

Coaching question of the day:
"When needed, how do you reinvent yourself?"          

Tags: Coaching question, Self-coaching, Self-awareness, Self-reflection, Self-improvement, Identity, Reinventing yourself

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