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As a life coach, I help people make decisions that fit who they truly are and who they want to become
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Thursday, September 10, 2020

Coaching, reloaded - Coaching question of the day #183. - Such a touching story

"Don't tell me stories", we say (and we sing that one as well, apparently).
With it, we mean that we don't want people to tell us lies, excuses, or some kind of nonsense.

As if a story would be a synonym of all those and avoiding stories would be a good thing for us.
And yet, we tell stories and we listen to stories all the time.

[If you want to go next level with the question, 
ask also yourself "why" that particular story touched you]

Movies, books, songs, advertising, podcasts, opera, magazines, jokes, anecdotes, theater, myths, comics, biographies, the portraits in the news, our phone calls with friends and loved ones...
What all these are, if not stories of some kind?

When someone is asking us about our day or how that project went, or where have we been on holiday... Are not they asking us to tell them a story?

Stories are among the most powerful tools of changes, growth, and transformation available to us.
Good stories create a "before and after" in our lives and often let us understand something on a much deeper, visceral level.

Choosing them wisely and let them touch us can have a big impact on the kind of person we are going to be, after each story.

Coaching question of the day:
"Which story did touch you recently?"
Tags: Coaching question, Self-coaching, Self-awareness, Self-reflection, Storytelling, Growth mindset, Personal growth

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