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As a life coach, I help people make decisions that fit who they truly are and who they want to become
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Saturday, October 3, 2020

Coaching, reloaded - Coaching question of the day #206. - Two misunderstandings about celebrating that we can leave behind

"That's something worth celebrating!", we say way less often than we could and probably should.
Either we think that only what's bigger than life, bombastic, and spectacular deserves to be celebrated, or we assume that celebrating should be equivalent to partying hard and doing crazy things and we're not that type of person.

And yet, both these assumptions don't have to apply to us.
Celebrating is not about the shiny limo as much as it is about being thankful and taking note of something worth remembering: It can be about the small things, the baby steps, the daily progress, the tiny gestures that can make a difference for us and for others, both in our career and in our relationships.

[Celebrating is a way of looking back at what happened
and being grateful for it. Sounds good?]

Celebrating can mean establishing a mindfulness ritual, treating us to a yummy meal or a good book, taking a walk and enjoying what is around us, sharing our happiness with others, and many other things. 
It can also mean partying, going out, dancing, dressing up, and whatever may feel fancy, special, and worth remembering.

In the end, in whatever shape and form, celebrating is about us and what we like to do in order to dedicate our attention to something worth it.

Coaching question of the day:
"How do you like to celebrate?"                 
Tags: Coaching question, Self-coaching, Self-awareness, Self-reflection, Celebrating, Mindfulness, Gratitude, Life milestones

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